保健医療科学 加熱式たばこ製品の有害性について

『保健医療科学』  第69巻 第2号 p.144-152 (2020年5月)
特集:改正健康増進法―変わる受動喫煙対策― <総説>




2020年 4 月から完全施行された改正健康増進法は,望まない受動喫煙をなくすために施設の類型・場所ごとに対策を実施することで対応している.しかし,加熱式たばこは経過措置として,飲食可能な喫煙室での使用が認められている.その理由として加熱式たばこは日本で販売が開始されてから期間も短く,喫煙者の健康影響,受動喫煙に関しても科学的な根拠の蓄積が少ない状況が上げられる.この加熱式たばこは,加工されたたばこ葉を携帯型の装置で加熱することによって発生する煙(エアロゾル)を吸引するたばこ製品である.このたばこ製品は,燃焼を伴わないために紙巻たばこから発生する有害化学物質の発生量を抑制する.





The revised Health Promotion Law, which was fully enforced in April 2020, responds by implementing measures for each type and location of facilities to eliminate unwanted second-hand smoke. However, as a transitional measure, heated tobacco products (HTPs) are allowed to be used in smoking rooms where people can eat and drink. This is because HTPs have been in the Japanese market for a shorter time, there is insufficient scientific evidence regarding their health effects for smokers and second-hand smoke. The HTPsʼ vape mainstream smoke (aerosol) is generated by heating processed tobacco fillers with a portable device. HTPs suppress the generation of harmful chemical compounds generated from cigarettes because it does not involve combustion.

In the mainstream smoke (aerosol) from HTPs, including IQOS (launched in 2014), harmful chemical compounds from combustion are reduced by nearly 90%. On the other hand, there are unreduced harmful chemical substances. In particular, the number of harmful chemical compounds in the aerosol of HTPs has not been significantly reduced. Hence, the combined exposure of chemicals is continued as long as the HTP is used. Nicotine, an addictive substance, has been reported to have the same content in heated cigarettes and cigarettes. Smoking cessation caused by the continued use of heated cigarettes cannot be expected. The results of a health impact assessment of smokers using HTPs, showed that, the number of biomarkers of harmful chemical compounds was reduced by nearly 90% by switching from cigarettes to heated igarettes,
and some biomarkers were reduced by only about 50%. Based on the results of research to date, it
has been confirmed that the use of HTPs reduces the exposure to harmful chemical compounds. However, it is considered that the improvement of health effects have not yet been confirmed.

Currently, there are many reports from the tobacco industry on the research on HTPs. It is urgently required that public health institutions and neutral researchers accumulate research reports on the health effects of the long-term use of HTPs.

keywords: heated tobacco products, harmful chemical compounds, nicotine, health effect

(accepted for publication, April 17, 2020)


PDF 加熱式たばこ製品の有害性について
