保健医療科学 児童虐待防止に関連した法律の改正にともなう新たな児童虐待防止の対策

『保健医療科学』 2021 第70巻 第4号 p.338-351(2021年10月)


久保健二 1),湯川慶子 2)


New child abuse prevention policy and amendments to child abuse prevention laws

KUBO Kenji 1),YUKAWA Keiko 2)

1) Childrenʼs ADVisory Center in Fukuoka City
2) Department of Health Policy and Technology Assessment, National Institute of Public Health

 児童虐待の通告件数はここ数年右肩上がりであり,死亡事例も減少がみられない.児童虐待防止対策に関しては,平成12(2000)年に児童虐待防止法が成立して以来,児童福祉法や母子保健法も合わせ,多くの改正がなされてきた.令和元(2019)6 月の最新の児童福祉法の改正では,子どもへの体罰禁止が法定化され,今後,児童虐待防止対策がすすむことが期待されている.本稿では,最新の児童福祉法改正の経緯を紹介し,地域における児童虐待予防のしくみ,児童虐待防止に関わる専門職の在り方,児童虐待防止に向けた多職種・多機関連携についてとりあげる.特に,令和元(2019)年の最新の児童福祉法の改正を中心に,児童虐待防止に関連する法律の現在までの主な改正点も触れながら,法改正からみる日本の児童虐待防止対策の経緯を説明する.今後も児童を地域全体で虐待から守るための,地域の資源の連携を通じた体制作りが喫緊の課題であり,それに向けた提言を行った.



 The number of reports of child abuse has increased in recent years, while the number of deaths has held steady. Since 2000, when the Child Abuse Prevention Law was enacted, many amendments to the Child Abuse  Prevention Measures, including the Child Welfare Law and the Maternal and Child Health Law, have been made. The most recent amendment to the Child Welfare Act, enacted in June 2019, prohibited corporal punishment of children, and measures to prevent child abuse are expected to be promoted in the future. This paper discusses the history of the most recent revision of the Child Welfare Act and the mechanism of child abuse prevention in the region. It also discusses the ideal way for professionals involved in child abuse prevention to collaborate, as well as multidisciplinary and multi-institutional cooperation for child abuse prevention. I will explain the history of Japan's child abuse prevention measures from the perspective of the revision of the legislation, touching on the major revisions of the law linked to child abuse prevention to date, with an emphasis on the most recent revision of the Child Welfare Act in 2019. In the future, creating a system that protects children from abuse in the entire region through the collaboration of local resources will be a pressing concern.

keywords: Child Abuse Prevention Law, Child Welfare Law, law concerning prevention of violence from spouses and protection of victims, child abuse, Child Guidance Center


PDF 児童虐待防止に関連した法律の改正にともなう新たな児童虐待防止の対策
