保健医療科学 個別支援を基盤とした難病対策地域協議会と共生社会に向けた取組み

『保健医療科学』 2021 第70巻 第5号 p.514-521(2021年12月)
特集:難病患者と家族の尊厳を保持した共生社会の探求 <報告>




Measures to build an inclusive society through the council of intractable diseases, based on care for each client


Community Health and Welfare Section, Nambu Health and Welfare Office in Shiga (Kusatsu Healthcenter)


 難病保健活動において保健師は,難病患者・家族が地域で孤立せず,地域の医療資源や社会資源の 利用に繋がること,またソーシャルキャピタルを活用し,地域住民による自助及び共助を推進する役割を担うことが求められている.A圏域では,「難病の患者に対する医療等に関する法律(難病法)」施行年から難病対策地域協議会を開催し,難病施策を推進してきた.A圏域における難病対策地域協議会では,1 レスパイト入院,2 災害対策の個別支援の中で,患者の療養生活においてQOL向上に繋がった取組みを各関係機関と共有し,地域課題のフィーバックを行った.2事例の取組みを共有し,関係者とともに管内で今後できる取組みについて検討をしたプロセスが,難病対策推進に加え,共生社会づくりにも寄与したと思われた.今後も,難病対策地域協議会の場を活用しながら地域における必要な取組みを行い,保健師の役割を果たしていきたい.


 PHNs are required to connect their intractable disease clients and their families with healthcare, welfare, and other informal resources, in order to ensure that they are not excluded from their communities. In addition, PHNs should enhance the self-care and mutual care of people, by utilizing the social capital in the communities.
 Since the enactment of the Act on Medical Care and Social Supports for Patients with Intractable/Rare Diseases in 2014, consultations regarding measures for intractable diseases have been undertaken with the council of intractable diseases in Town A. During consultations with the council, PHNs helped the members discuss two cases in which QOL had been improved: the provision of respite care in hospitals, and the disaster preparedness program. These consultations not only helped to enhance measures for intractable diseases, but also aided in creation of an inclusive society. We should continue our mission, and work to improve the care system for intractable diseases via utilization of the council.

keywords:social capital, network in the community, inclusive society

PDF 個別支援を基盤とした難病対策地域協議会と共生社会に向けた取組み
