保健医療科学 新型コロナウイルス感染症に対するワクチン接種事業の全容

『保健医療科学』 2022 第71巻 第4号 p.335-345(2022年10月)
特集 : 新型コロナウイルス感染症の教訓―パンデミックにいかに対峙し何を学んだか― <解説>



厚生労働省社会・援護局障害保健福祉部精神・障害保健課 (元健康局健康課予防接種室)


Overall picture of the COVID-19 vaccination program in Japan

HAYASHI Shuichiro

Mental Health and Disability Health Division, Department of Health and Welfare for Persons with Disabilities,
Social Welfare and War Victimsʼ Relief Bureau, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare


 新型コロナワクチンの接種事業は,大別すると科学,実務,政策の3分野にわたる様々な取り組みの集大成である. まず,科学の分野として,ワクチン開発と審査・承認や,副反応の評価などがあり,ワクチン接種が可能となるためには,有効性とともに安全性を検証・評価することが大前提であった. 次に,ワクチン接種には,ワクチン確保・供給・流通から,接種体制の構築に至る,実務的な取り組みのウエイトが非常に大きい. 体制の整備には長いリードタイムを要するため,先の見通しを持って準備を進めることが必要であった. これらを基礎とした上で,接種に関する政策が進められた. 接種の法的枠組みの整備や接種に関する判断が行われた. 更に,接種には,最終的に,国民に理解を得て接種行動をとっていただくことが不可欠であり,広報やリスクコミュニケーションを適切に行うことは極めて重要であった.

キーワード :  新型コロナワクチン,ワクチン行政,予防接種法,公衆衛生政策


 In response to the epidemic, a COVID-19 vaccine was developed at an unprecedented speed, and vaccination was carried out on an unprecedented scale.
 The COVID-19 vaccination project consists of three fields: science, logistics/practice, and policy, and is the culmination of various attempts among these fields. First, in the field of science, vaccine development, examination/approval, and evaluation of adverse reactions, etc. are carried out. It was necessary to evaluate and verify safety as well as efficacy. Second, in the field of logistics/administration, it is extremely important to secure, supply, and distribute the vaccine, and to build a vaccine administration and execution system. Since the lead time is very long, it was necessary to proceed with preparations while adopting a future outlook. Third, policy decisions were made regarding the construction of a legal framework and the start of vaccinations. In addition, it was very important to appropriately conduct publicity and risk communication, as it is the general public who make the decision to receive the vaccination, in the end.
 In this article, I will explain the overall picture of the COVID-19 vaccination project, which consists of these fields, while mentioning various specific attempts to implement the project throughout Japan.

keywords : COVID-19 Vaccination, Immunization Policy, Immunization Act, Public Health Policy, Japan


PDF 新型コロナウイルス感染症に対するワクチン接種事業の全容

