保健医療科学 健康日本 21(第二次)最終評価結果の概要と地方自治体に伝えたいこと

『保健医療科学』 2022 第71巻 第5号 p.378-388(2022年12月)
特集:健康日本21(第二次)最終評価―都道府県等健康増進計画のためのメッセージ― <解説>

健康日本 21(第二次)最終評価結果の概要と地方自治体に伝えたいこと



Summary of the final evaluation results of Health Japan 21 (the second term) and lessons for local governments

TSUJI Ichiro

Division of Epidemiology, School of Public Health, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine

 平成25年4月に始まった「健康日本21(第二次)」の最終評価が令和4年10月に終了した. それによると,53個の目標項目のうち,目標値に達したものが8項目(15.1%),改善傾向にあるものが20項目(37.7%),変わらなかったものが14項目(26.4%),悪化したものが4項目(7.5%),評価困難が7項目(13.2%)であった. 平成22年から令和元年までの間に,健康寿命は男性で2.26年,女性で 1.76年延びた. これは平均寿命の延び(男性1.86年,女性1.15年)より大きく,「健康日本21(第二次)」 で最も重視された「平均寿命の増加分を上回る健康寿命の増加」という目標は達成された. 一方,健康寿命の都道府県格差は,男性では縮小したが,女性では増大した.
 がんや脳血管疾患・虚血性心疾患の年齢調整死亡率(アウトカム指標)は目標以上に顕著に減少した. 一方,その基盤となるはずの生活習慣(メタボリックシンドロームの該当者及び予備群の人数,肥満者の割合,成人の喫煙率など)や基礎的病態(収縮期血圧の平均値,高脂血症の割合など)に関する指標は不変・悪化が目立つという矛盾した現象が見られた.

キーワード  :  健康日本21(第二次),健康寿命,健康格差,健康づくり,次期プラン

 The final evaluation of "Health Japan 21 (the second term)," which started in April 2013, ended in October 2022. According to the report, out of 53 target items, 8 items (15.1%) achieved the target value, 20 items (37.7%) improved, and 14 items (26.4%) did not change, while 4 items (7.5%) became worse, and 7 items (13.2%) were difficult to evaluate.
From 2010 to 2019, healthy life expectancy increased by 2.26 years for men and 1.76 years for women. As this is greater than the increase in life expectancy (1.86 years for men and 1.15 years for women), the most important goal of "Health Japan 21 (the second term)," of "increasing healthy life expectancy to exceed the increase in life expectancy" has been achieved.
 On the other hand, the prefectural disparity in healthy life expectancy shrank for men, but increased for women. By showing the changes in prefectural disparities in various lifestyle habits, the author emphasized that in order to reduce health disparities, it is important to identify sub-populations with major health problems, and to strengthen efforts to raise their health levels.
 The age-adjusted death rate (outcome index) for cancer, cerebrovascular disease, and ischemic heart disease decreased significantly beyond the target. On the other hand, regarding the lifestyle habits that are related to the above diseases (e.g., numbers of persons with metabolic syndrome and those at risk, percentage of obese persons, adult smoking rate, etc.) and the related clinical conditions (e.g., average systolic blood pressure, prevalence of hyperlipidemia, etc.), there was a contradictory phenomenon in which indica- tors remained unchanged or worsened.
 Lastly, the author explained that the next National Health Promotion Plan is being formulated in view of future changes in the demographic, economic, and industrial structures in Japan. The author mentioned the points that should be kept in mind for all policy makers, at all levels of local governments.

keywords : Health Japan 21 (the second term), healthy life expectancy, health disparity, health promotion, the next National Health Promotion Plan

PDF 健康日本 21(第二次)最終評価結果の概要と地方自治体に伝えたいこと
