保健医療科学 災害時の不安障害のマネジメント

『保健医療科学』 第62巻 第2号, p.144-149 (2013年4月)
特集:現存被ばく状況下における放射線リスクコミュニケーション <総説>



キーワード: 災害,不安,精神医療

Anxiety in disaster situations is largely regarded to be a normal response to pathological situations and may not necessarily be diagnosed as symptomatic. Anxiety is generally composed of subjective feelings, physiological responses, behavioral consequences and negative cognition. Even if anxiety as a common response is not a focus of medical intervention, some extreme cases, in which physiological or behavioral reactions are out of control, would benefit from psycho-social intervention. As such, breathing training and calming down the sympathetic nervous system, refraining from excessive caffeine intake, and limitation of hard exercise could be useful countermeasures. Psychoeducation to reduce pessimistic thoughts and prevention of unfavorable secondary distress is also important.
keywords: disaster, anxiety, mental health