保健医療科学 国立保健医療科学院における健康危機管理に関する研修 ―長期の研修―

『保健医療科学』第58巻 第3号, p.222-225 (2009年9月)
特集:新型インフルエンザ流行対策 ― 国立保健医療科学院の取り組みと今後の活動に向けて―

国立保健医療科学院における健康危機管理に関する研修 ―長期の研修―PDF

1) 国立保健医療科学院公衆衛生政策部
2) 国立保健医療科学院研究情報センター

キーワード: 健康危機管理,研修,ロールプレイ,事例分析

This article selects two of the long-term training programs at the National Institute of Public Health(NIPH), and uses those two programs to explain training activities on health crisis management, including recent countermeasures against pandemic influenza. Role-playing and in-depth case-analysis have been introduced to help trainees deepen their knowledge and insight, instill proper attitudes, and develop needed leadership skills. In order to protect the nation’s health, the NIPH must work continuously to ensure that its training programs are truly useful for public health personnel in local government.
keywords: health crisis management, training program, role-playing, case-analysis