保健医療科学 新型インフルエンザ対策から学ぶ包括的な感染症対策

『保健医療科学』第59巻 第2号, p.94-99 (2010年6月)
特集:平常時・災害時の衛生対策 <総説>


和田耕治 1),太田寛 1),川島正敏 2),阪口洋子 2),相澤好治 1)

新型インフルエンザ A(H1N1)2009 のパンデミックに対して様々な感染対策や公衆衛生施策などの介入が行われた.これらの対応から新たな教訓を得て,新型インフルエンザ以外の感染症も想定した包括的な感染症対策の構築が求められる.
現場での感染対策で念頭におくべきことは,感染成立の 3 要件である感染源,宿主の感受性,感染経路である.これらの条件が 3 つすべてそろった場合にのみ感染が成立する.感染対策としてはいずれかの要因が存在しなければ感染が成立しないことを活用する.特に,現場で求められるのは感染源と感染経路への対策である.
キーワード:  新型インフルエンザ,感染対策,包括的,根拠に基づいた対策,人材育成

Various infection control measures and public health interventions were carried out to mitigate the effect of influenza
A (H1N1) 2009. Learning lessons from these responses, the establishment of comprehensive strategies for any emerging infectious diseases is desirable. In this article, we review the basic strategies against infectious diseases and discuss responses
for public health interventions.
The sources of infection, host sensitivity, and routes of transmission are three essential elements required for infection that we should keep in mind when taking anti-infection measures in any situation. Infection can only be established when these three elements exist at the same time. The fact that infection cannot be established if any of the elements is missing could be applied in infection control. Measures against the sources of infection and the routes of transmission are especially required.
Public health interventions include the identifi cation of patients at quarantine, school closure, and social distancing. Most evidence on the effect of these measures does not often meet criteria used in evidence-based medicine (EBM); therefore, specialists need to discuss these issues as a team by sharing the characteristics of evidence-based public health and taking into account the limited evidence and local conditions. Sometimes political decision making may be necessary, thus building trust between policy-decision makers and experts on a routine basis is necessary for the opinion of the experts to be valued.
Specific measures against infectious diseases, including education and the provision of information to the public and healthcare professionals, are required in order to increase the number of people with appropriate knowledge and to train experts. In addition, the public may have various concerns and questions regarding infection control measures in the event of an emergency. The establishment of a support system that can promptly answer these questions is warranted.
keywords: infl uenza, infection control, comprehensive strategies, evidence based policy, education