保健医療科学 放射線災害時における保健師の活動支援のあり方

『保健医療科学』 第62巻 第2号, p.163-171 (2013年4月)
特集:現存被ばく状況下における放射線リスクコミュニケーション <総説>


1) 国立保健医療科学院生涯健康研究部
2) 国立保健医療科学院生活環境研究部
3) 福島県県北保健福祉事務所

研究結果:1. 調査対象:自治体保健師11名(所属:県保健師3名,市町村保健師8名),保健師従事経験年数307 3 . 0年. 2. 放射線に関連した保健活動:事故以前は,放射線に関する専門知識習得の機会は乏しく,事故後の対応に苦慮した実態が明らかになった.3. 放射線災害に備え保健師に必要な教育:「放射線に関する基礎知識」,「関係機関連携」,「こころのケア」,「リスクコミュニケーション」,「平常時の体制整備」等
キーワード: 原子力発電所施設事故,放射線,保健師,保健活動,教育

Objectives: After The Great East Japan Earthquake in March 2011, the great disaster not only was a seismic hazard but also influenced health anxiety by the radiation in the nuclear power plant. The residents who lived in this area have been faced with strict dangerous circumstances still now. So this research is to clarify the substance of supporting activities of the public health nurses of a local government after a nuclear power plant disaster.
Methods: Group interviews were conducted with public health nurses who were engaged in Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster experiences.
Results: 1. The numbers of the public health nurses were 11 (3 belonged to prefecture governments, 8 belonged to local governments). Their mean tenure as a public health nurse was30.7 3.0 years. 2. They didn’t have any training opportunity to get technical knowledge of the nuclear power plant disaster, so that they couldn’t cope with the anxiety of the residents after the disaster. 3. Therefore, it is necessary to improve ‘the fundamental knowledge of radiation’, ‘a care of the heart’, ‘risk communication’, ‘organizations-concerned cooperation’ and ‘organization maintenance at the time of usual circumstances’.
Conclusion: We found that the local governments which have a nuclear power plant institution have not been trained enough at the time of usual business, nor maintenance of operations required for accident preparedness, either. It was showed that from now on, the education for public health nurses is emergently required to cope with a radiation disaster, including a fundamental knowledge of radiation and resident support services from local governments regardless of whether their prefecture has a nuclear power plant or not.
keywords: nuclear power plant disaster, radiation,public health nurses, health activities, education