保健医療科学 児童福祉司を中心とした子ども家庭福祉に携わる者の資質向上について ―国家資格化に向けた養成課程や養成システムのあり方を視点にして―

『保健医療科学』 2021 第70巻 第4号 p.377-384(2021年10月)
特集:子どもへの虐待のない社会の実現に向けて―児童虐待予防に向けた課題と戦略― <解説>




Improving the quality of human resources in child and family welfare:
Perspectives on a national certification training system

AIZAWA Masashi

Faculty of Welfare and Health Science, Oita University

 近年の児童虐待防止対策の強化を図るための法改正を含むさまざまな動向の中で,児童相談所などの相談機関における,子ども虐待相談,非行相談,ひきこもり・不登校などの育成相談など,子どものあらゆる問題への相談に適切に対応するソーシャルワークの専門性を十分に身につけた専門職の育成が重要課題の一つとなっている.ここでは,「児童福祉司を中心とした子ども家庭福祉に携わる者の資質向上について」,その中でも特に,子ども家庭ソーシャルワーカーの獲得すべき専門性として,子どものあらゆる問題への相談に適切に対応し,子どもの健全育成を図るために必要な専門性(専門的知識・技術・態度)とは何かを明確した到達目標の内容について触れる.その上で,その専門性を獲得するために,どのような養成課程が必要であり,その専門性を獲得させるための国家資格化はどのようなしくみが望ましいのか,そのあり方について以下の 4 点から検討した.








 We will discuss the content of the achievement goals that define the expertise (specialized knowledge,skills, and attitudes) that child and family social workers need to acquire to provide appropriate consultation on a wide range of childrenʼs problems and promote their overall wellbeing and development. Thus, the following four points are put forth:

(1) The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfareʼs Working Group on Qualifications and Other Measures for Improving the Qualifications of Those Who Provide Support Requiring Specialized Knowledge and Skills in the Field of Child and Family Welfare has examined the following issues concerning the enhancement of the expertise of supporters in the field of child and family welfare: (1) the nature of qualifications in the field of child and family welfare, (2) the nature of training and human resource
development, and (3) the nature of national qualifications.

(2) In the Notification of the Director-General of the Bureau of the Equal Opportunity Employment and Family Affairs, Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, titled “Implementation of Training for Child Welfare Officers and Persons in Charge of Coordination at Child Welfare Institutions for Children in Need of Protection,” specific examples are provided based on the attainment goals of post-appointment training for child welfare officers, which is mandatory training.

(3) In terms of the training curriculum necessary to meet the attainment goals of a child and family social worker, it was stated that gaining practical experience while being supervised in the field of practice is an effective means of acquiring expertise.

(4) Currently, university education for a nationally qualified social worker must be knowledge-oriented, a situation that presents difficulties.

 To address the difficulties associated with acquiring practical skills and enhancing practical abilities, it is necessary to consider a mechanism that solves these problems, such as adding conditions, like having a certain amount of work experience and practical training experience for the training of child and family social workers to attain national qualification.

keywords: child and family welfare, training, national certification, specialized skill


PDF 児童福祉司を中心とした子ども家庭福祉に携わる者の資質向上について―国家資格化に向けた養成課程や養成システムのあり方を視点にして―
