保健医療科学 市町村における地域の児童虐待予防と対応のしくみの課題と展望 ―公衆衛生学アプローチと包括ケアシステムとの融合―

『保健医療科学』 2021 第70巻 第4号 p.385-393(2021年10月)
特集:子どもへの虐待のない社会の実現に向けて―児童虐待予防に向けた課題と戦略― <解説>


大澤絵里 1),越智真奈美 2)


Child abuse prevention and response systems in local governments in Japan:
challenges and prospects from the perspective of integrating public health approaches and integrated care systems

OSAWA Eri 1), OCHI Manami 2)

1) Department of International Health and Collaboration, National Institute of Public Health
2) Department of Health and Welfare Services, National Institute of Public Health





 The recent spike in child abuse and child mortality reports has significantly impacted public health and welfare. This has evolved into a major challenge for society. The Child Welfare Act and related acts have been continuously revised in recent years; in particular, the 2016 revision clearly stated two centers as core functions for child abuse prevention and child-rearing support in municipalities: the development of community-based integrated support centers for child-rearing generation and support centers for children and families. Municipalities around the country have begun developing such centers. However, many challenges remain due to the lack of a clear description of functions and roles.
 Since 2000, there has been a shift in worldwide child abuse prevention and response from a post-incident response to a public health approach focusing on prevention. The current state of child abuse, its risk factors and protective factors, the impacts of abuse, and prevention strategies have all been studied globally. In addition, a level-based approach to child abuse prevention, from primary to tertiary prevention, has been proposed. Furthermore, the necessity for an integrated care and system approach has been linked to implementing the evidence-based approach.
 The provision of integrated care for the elderly has been implemented in Japan as a “community-based integrated care system” since 2006, although difficulties in the integration of care (welfare) and health (public health) have been reported in the process of building the system. To begin the process of creating mechanisms for child abuse prevention, it is necessary to understand the purpose of building an integrated care system, the type of integration to aim for, and the identification of what needs to be integrated, based on the theory of integrated care and the lessons learned from the “community-based integrated care system in Japan.” It is expected that effective strategies for building integrated care systems to prevent child abuse will emerge in the near future.

keywords: child abuse, prevention, public health approach, integrated care

PDF 市町村における地域の児童虐待予防と対応のしくみの課題と展望―公衆衛生学アプローチと包括ケアシステムとの融合―
