保健医療科学 児童虐待防止のための多職種・多機関連携の促進

『保健医療科学』 2021 第70巻 第4号 p.394-398(2021年10月)
特集:子どもへの虐待のない社会の実現に向けて―児童虐待予防に向けた課題と戦略― <報告>




Promotion of multi-organizational and multi-professional cooperation to prevent child maltreatment

MATSUSHIGE Takuya 1), OCHI Manami 1), YUKAWA Keiko 2), OSAWA Eri 3)

1) Department of Health and Welfare Services, National Institute of Public Health
2) Department of Health Policy and Technology Assessment, National Institute of Public Health
3) Department of International Health and Collaboration, National Institute of Public Health

 近年,児童虐待等,子どもや家庭をめぐる問題は,ますます複雑化しており,早期発見・早期対応が重要となっている.迅速かつきめ細やかな対応のためには,児童相談所と市町村との連携をはじめとして,保健所・児童福祉施設・警察・医療機関などの多くの機関の連携が不可欠となっている.国立保健医療科学院では,児童相談所職員を対象とする「児童相談所の連携機能強化に向けた中堅職員研修」と保健師等を対象とする「児童虐待防止研修」の 2 研修を令和 2 年度より一部合同化し,多職種連携・多機関連携を強化する人材育成の取り組みを始めた.本報告では,この取り組みの概要を紹介し,研修受講者アンケートの内容を分析し,多職種・多機関連携教育としての可能性と課題を整理する.児童福祉司・児童心理司・保健師らが協働するグループワークでは,自職種の強みを再発見し,また,他職種の専門性について理解を深める点で,受講者の気づき・学びが確認された.今後の研修運営に向けては,グループダイナミズムを一層効果的に用いながら連携相手の視点に肉薄する仕組みづくりが,連携強化教育において重要であることが示唆された.



 Child maltreatment and related issues affecting children and families have become increasingly complex in recent years, emphasizing the importance of early detection and response. Cooperation between institutions such as child guidance centers, public health centers, child welfare facilities, police, municipalities, and medical institutions is indispensable to ensure an early response. In 2020, the National Institute of Public Health partially merged two training programs, “Mid-level Staff Training for Interprofessional Work” for the staff of child guidance centers and “Child Maltreatment Prevention Training” for public health nurses. It began efforts to develop human resources to strengthen multidisciplinary and multi-agency collaboration. This report will introduce the outline of this initiative, analyze the contents of the questionnaire for trainees, and discuss the possibilities and challenges of multidisciplinary and multi-agency collaborative education. The group work that involved child welfare caseworkers, child psychologists, and public health nurses validated the trainees' awareness and learning by rediscovering the strengths of their occupations and deepening their understanding of multidisciplinary expertise. For future training, it was recommended that interprofessional education must create a system that effectively exploits group dynamism and enables each trainee to understand their partner's perspective.

keywords: interprofessional education, child maltreatment, multi-agency collaboration, human resources development

PDF 児童虐待防止のための多職種・多機関連携の促進
