保健医療科学 透析施設の災害対策の推進要因:先進事例の分析

『保健医療科学』 2021 第70巻 第5号 p.569-578(2021年12月)



清水由美子 1),熊谷たまき 2),杉澤秀博 3),篠田俊雄 4),宍戸寛治 4),馬上和久 5)


Factors promoting disaster preparedness in dialysis facilities: Qualitative analyses of advanced preparedness

SHIMIZU Yumiko 1), KUMAGAI Tamaki 2), SUGISAWA Hidehiro 3), SHINODA Toshio 4), SHISHIDO Kanji 4), MAGAMI Kazuhisa 5)

1) The Jikei University School of Nursing
2) International University of Health and Welfare
3) International Graduate School for Advanced Studies, J. F. Oberlin University
4) Japanese Association of Dialysis Physicians
5) Japan Association of Kidney Disease Patients

方法:1) 対象施設の選択:日本透析医会の会員施設全数を対象に行った災害対策に関する量的調査では,患者対策,職員対策,透析設備/備品対策,地域組織とのネットワーク対策(以下,ネットワーク対策),一般的管理対策の区分の中で,患者対策とネットワーク対策の実行度が相対的に遅れていたことが明らかにされた.そのため,量的調査で,患者対策とネットワーク対策それぞれについて実行度が高く,さらに質的調査に協力する意向を示した施設(各15施設,しかし両対策とも実行度が高い施設が4施設あったため合計26施設)を対象とした. 2) 調査対象と方法:選択した施設の災害担当 責任者を対象に半構造化インタビューを実施した.インタビューの項目は,上記の2区分の対策に加えて,実行度が比較的低かった職員対策,および施設全体の災害対策の工夫・進め方で構成した. 3) 分析方法:逐語録に基づき質的記述的分析法で行った.



Objectives: This qualitative study explored factors promoting disaster preparedness (DP) in dialysis facilities by investigating facilities with relatively advanced preparedness.
Methods: (1) Choice of advanced facilities: A quantitative survey on DP in dialysis facilities was conducted on all the facilities operated by members of the Japanese Association of Dialysis Physicians. Questionnaires inquired about their accomplishment of five DP targets: Patients, Staff, Equipment/Infrastructure, Cooperation with community organizations (Cooperation), and General management. Results indicated that DP accomplishment in facilities participating in the survey regarding Patients and Cooperation was lower than for the other targets. We selected 30 facilities in the descending order of accomplishing each target (15 facilities for Patients and 15 facilities for Cooperation) with five facilities being selected for both targets. We finally conducted interviews in 25 facilities. (2) Survey methods: Semi-structured interviews were conduct- ed with the staff in charge of DP. Interview items included methods of advancing DP for each target, DP for the staff (a target of relatively low accomplishment scores), and DP for the entire facility. Twenty facilities (8 facilities for Patients, 8 facilities for Corporation, 4 facilities for Patients and Corporation) participated in the interviews. (3) Analytical method: A qualitative descriptive analysis of verbatim interview records.
Results: Facilities with high DP accomplishment for Patients (1) developed methods showing practical benefits in communicating with patients, (2) disseminated DF information according to patientsʼ demands, and (3) conducted practical evaluation drills. Facilities with high DF performance by Staff (1) conducted measures from the staffʼs perspectives, (2) conducted drills utilizing daily tasks, and (3) conducted education for promoting spontaneity. Facilities with high DF accomplishment for Cooperation (1) developed practical cooperation, (2) established Cooperation with a clear purpose and meaning, and (3) developed face-to-face relationships with the staff of other organizations. DP promotive factors in an organization as a whole included (1) awareness of DP needs, (2) maintaining awareness of DPʼs crucial role, and (3) increasing the momentum for DP through experiences of large natural disasters.
Conclusion: It is suggested that developing the spontaneity of patients and staff, incorporating DP into daily tasks, and nurturing key DP personnel in facilities are essential for developing DP in dialysis facilities.

keywords:dialysis facilities, disaster preparedness managers, qualitative and descriptive analyses, disaster preparedness for patients, community-based disaster preparedness networks

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