保健医療科学 おもちゃの安全管理と化学物質による健康リスク (令和5年8月)

『保健医療科学』 2023 第72巻 第3号 p.242-248(2023年8月)
特集 : 身の回りに潜む健康リスクと我が国の安全管理への取組—<総説>




Toy safety management and health risks from chemicals

BEKKI Kanae 1), YUKAWA Keiko 2)
1) Department of Environmental Health, National Institute of Public Health
2) Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, National Institute of Public Health


 近年,子どものアレルギー疾患の増加や発達期への影響に対する化学物質の関与が懸念される中,おもちゃは乳幼児期の子どもの身近な生活用品として,化学物質ばく露による健康リスクとの関連が指摘されている.そのため,国内外では,これまでおもちゃに使用される塗料や樹脂に含まれる重金属や可塑剤,着色料など,有害性の高い化合物を中心にばく露評価のための試験法や規格基準が設けられ(食品衛生法[日本],EN71[欧州],CPSIA[米国],ISO 8124 など.),各国で安全管理の取り組みが進められてきた.しかしながら,子ども達が日常生活で触れるおもちゃや生活用品は多岐に渡り,規制の基準外の中古製品や工作材料などを含めると,手足や物を口に入れるマウシングなどの特異的な行動によって,日常的におもちゃを介して可塑剤を含めた有害成分を摂取している可能性がある.また,国際的に,おもちゃ業界において圧倒的な生産量を占める中国からの輸入が増えているが,安全管理基準は生産国が独自に設定し生産されているため,国によって規格基準が異なる可能性もある.このような現状を踏まえ,昨今,身近な子ども達の健康と安全な暮らしを守る上では,安全管理のための法規制をより厳格にする必要があるのに加え,我々大人がおもちゃ選びをはじめ正しい知識を持って安心して過ごせる生活環境を提供していくことも,リスクを低減していく上で非常に重要である.



 In recent years, there have been concerns regarding an increase in allergic diseases among children and the effects of chemical substances on the stages of development, and the possibility of exposure to chemical substances through familiar daily necessities and the environment has been pointed out [1]. Children come into contact with toys containing various chemical substances such as paints and plasticizers very frequently in their daily lives. In particular, plasticizers such as phthalates, which have been pointed out to be harmful to the reproductive functions and fertility of adults, and to have reproductive toxicity such as developmental toxicity for offspring [2], are subject to the standards of the Food Sanitation Law. Safety control measures have been taken, such as the use of concentration limits in toy products in Japan. However, along with the changing times, the types of toys have diversified, and there is a tendency towards an increase due to the distribution of imported goods from overseas and recycled products in the market. Furthermore, in recent years, new products such as tablet devices have become popular among people in a wide range of generations, as familiar daily necessities.
 On the other hand, based on the results of research on exposure assessments of chemical substances using biological samples, a relatively large number of regulated substances are actually detected as metabolites in products, and new substances with similar structures can be used as substitutes for regulated substances. It has been suggested that the use of such chemicals is increasing. Therefore, in order to maintain a safe life, it can be said that safety management of chemical substances that corresponds to the changing times is necessary.

keywords: toys, safety management, chemicals, phthalates


