保健医療科学 長崎県の誤嚥性肺炎の実態把握 ―救急活動記録票を用いた分析― (令和5年8月)

『保健医療科学』 2023 第72巻 第3号 p.249-257(2023年8月)

<原著> 長崎県の誤嚥性肺炎の実態把握 ―救急活動記録票を用いた分析―


Actual situation of aspiration pneumonia in Nagasaki Prefecture using emergency transportation records

KOSEKI Hironobu 1), TOMONAGA Iku 2), SUNAGAWA Shinya 1,3), NISHIYAMA Yuta 3,4), YOSHIDA Daisuke 4), OSAKI Makoto 2)
1) Department of Health Sciences, Nagasaki University Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences
2) Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Nagasaki University Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences
3) Department of Rehabilitation, Wajinkai hospital
4) Department of Health Sciences, Nagasaki University Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences


【対象と方法】2005 ~ 2019 年度に救急搬送された誤嚥性肺炎 8,321 件を対象として,発生数・発生率,性別,年齢層別,月別での解析を行い,発生場所,曜日,覚知時刻を分析した.
【結果】長崎県内の救急搬送された誤嚥性肺炎の発生数・発生率は経年的に増加する傾向を示し,特に80歳以上で顕著であった.男女比は 11:9で,約3%が病院到着時に心肺停止の状態であった.年齢層では 70 歳以上が全体の 82.2%を占めていた.月別,曜日別で有意な差は認めなかったが,覚知時間帯は早朝に多い傾向を示した.発生場所は高齢者施設(40.8%)と住宅(39.8%)が多く,病院(医院)は16.5%であった.1週間後,80.9%が入院治療中であり,死亡は 6.5%であった.


Objectives: This study aimed to assess the incidence of aspiration pneumonia in Nagasaki Prefecture and clarify the characteristics of aspiration pneumonia.
Methods: Cases of aspiration pneumonia that occurred in Nagasaki Prefecture between 2005 and 2019 were analyzed using emergency transportation records. The number of occurrences and incidence were analyzed according to age, sex, season, day of the week, and time of emergency call to clarify the actual situation of aspiration pneumonia.
Results: The total number of new aspiration pneumonia cases was 8,321, at a mean age of 83.0 years. Annual incidence per 100,000 population increased from 12.4 in 2005 to 65.1 in 2019, with the most prominent increase in the ≥ 80-year-old stratum. Males (55.1%) were relatively more commonly affected than females (44.9%) and 82.2% of cases involved patients ≥ 70 years old. No significant correlations were seen between incidence of aspiration pneumonia and season, month, or day of the week. Aspiration pneumonia occurred more frequently in the home (39.8%) and facilities for the elderly (40.8%). Seven days after admission, 80.9% of patients had been hospitalized and 6.5% had died.
Conclusion: Information on actual situations and valid preventive measures relevant to aspiration pneumonia are urgently needed.

keywords: aspiration pneumonia; epidemiology; emergency transportation record


長崎県の誤嚥性肺炎の実態把握 ―救急活動記録票を用いた分析―
