保健医療科学 東京電力福島第一原子力発電所事故に対する DMAT 活動と課題

『保健医療科学』第60巻 第6号, p.502-509 (2011年12月)
特集:東日本大震災(2) 震災を踏まえた健康安全・危機管理研究の再構築 <原著>

東京電力福島第一原子力発電所事故に対する DMAT 活動と課題PDF

近藤久禎 1),島田二郎 2),森野一真 3),田勢長一郎 2),富永隆子 4),立崎英夫 4),明石真言 4),谷川攻一 5),岩崎泰昌 5),市原正行 1),小早川義貴 1),小井土雄一 1)

背景: 2011 年 3 月 11 日に発生した東日本大震災による地震と津波は東京電力福島第一原子力発電所を襲い,甚大な被害を引き起こし,多量の放射性物質を環境中に放出した.この事故対応において,多くの DMAT 隊員が派遣された.今回,その活動について意義を検証し,今後の DMAT 活動,緊急被ばく医療における課題を提示することを目的とした.
方法: 高線量被ばく・汚染(緊急作業従事者)への緊急被ばく医療対応,住民対応,入院患者の移送対応など DMAT 活動実績をまとめ,課題を抽出した.
結果: DMAT の入院患者移送対応は,福島第一原子力発電所から 20 ~ 30km 圏内の病院を対象に 3 月 18 日~ 22 日に行われた.入院患者 454 名を搬送したが,搬送中の死亡は防げた.DMAT は緊急被ばく医療体制でも重要な役割を果たした.DMAT は原子力発電所から J ビレッジを経由し二次被ばく医療機関,三次被ばく医療機関に分散搬送する流れをサポートする体制を確立した.その為の,研修会の実施といわき市内への DMAT の待機のための派遣を行った.いわき市内へのDMAT 派遣は,いわき市立総合磐城共立病院を拠点として,4 月 22 日から 9 月 7 日まで 22 次隊,のべ 127 名が派遣された.DMAT による住民一時立入り対応においては,中継基地における医療対応を行った.具体的には,会場のコーディネーショ
ン,Hot エリアの医療対応を行うとともに,救護班としても活動した.活動期日は 5 月 3 日から 9 月 2 日のうち 60 日に及び,スクリーニング・健康管理の対象者は 14700 人以上で,さらに傷病
者 131 名に対応した.これらの活動を通じて,重篤な傷病の発生,スクリーニングレベルを上回る汚染は,DMAT が活動したところにおいては,ともになかった.
考察: 本邦の緊急被ばく医療体制は,原子力施設立地道府県の地方自治体毎に構築されており,いくつかの問題が指摘されていた.問題の一つは放射線緊急事態への対応の教育,研修はこれらの地域のみで行われていたことである.さらに,他の災害との連携,整合性に問題があることはたびたび指摘されていた.DMAT が医療搬送を行うことにより,454 名の患者を安全に搬送したことと,住民一時立入りでの DMAT の活動の意義は深かった.今回の事故対応の経験から,被ばく医療も災害医療の一つであり,災害医療体制との整合性は必須であることが示唆された.今後は,やはり災害医療体制の中で,緊急被ばく医療もしっかりと位置付けられることが必要である.そのような観点からの緊急被ばく医療体制のあり方について研究していくことが今後は必要である.
キーワード: DMAT,原子力災害,緊急被ばく医療

Background: The Great East Japan Earthquake struck the Pacific coast of eastern Japan on 11 March 2011 and this earthquake and tsunami caused enormous damage to the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) of the Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO), resulting in a large amount of radioactive materials being released into the environment. In response to this accident, many experts were sent to the site in the form of a disaster medical assistance team (DMAT). We introduce the activities of the DMAT in this accident and discuss its role from the viewpoint of lessons learned from the accident.
Methods: We discussed DMAT activities focusing on the radiation emergency medical response for potential victims among fi rst responders and workers; countermeasures for citizens; and transfer of patients between hospitals during this accident.
Results: One of the important functions of the DMAT in Fukushima was the transportation of patients between hospitals. Patients in hospitals located within 20-30 km of the Fukushima Daiichi NPP were transferred to other medical facilities in the period between 18 to 22 March; 454 patients were transported without any problem, such as death. The DMAT also played an important role in response to this accident at the NPP by being a part of the radiation emergency medical response system. The DMAT stood by in Iwaki city to support the transportation of patients involved in the NPP accident to a second-level or third-level hospital via “J-Village”, a soccer training complex in Fukushima now serving as a relay base for those battling nuclear
disaster. Thus, the DMAT was prepared for mass casualties. As preparation for these activities, the DMAT, attended lectures on how to treat patients contaminated with radionuclides. These activities were carried out from 22 April to 7 September; a total of 22 teams comprising 127 personnel were involved. During the “temporary house-visit” operation, the DMAT provided medical care at both the non-contaminated and contaminated areas together with physicians from the National Disaster Medical Center in Tokyo. The DMAT conducted radiation testing on the residents of the “temporary house visit,” on 14,700 people and provided medical care to 131 patients during 60 days of DMAT activity. During all these activities, there were no cases of contamination at the screening level or of severe disease or injury.
Discussion: A system for radiation emergency medical preparedness has been established in areas with nuclear facilities by local governments; however, several problems have now emerged. One of these problems is that the education/training for radiation emergencies has been provided in only these areas, this is a limitation of facilities and knowledge of radiation emergency medical preparedness. Moreover, it has been also pointed out that the radiation emergency medical response system has a problem of coordination and coherence with the general disaster medical system; this system is independent
of those for other disasters. In response to this accident, however, the transfer of 454 hospitalized patients was carried out successfully and the role played by the DMAT in the “temporary house visit” of residents was signifi cant. The experience gained from this disaster suggests that a radiation emergency medical response system should be established as part of a general disaster medical response system. Further research considering the coherence with the disaster medical system is indispensable.
keywords: DMAT, nuclear disaster, radiation emergency medicine