1691年〜1846年 1847年〜1867年 1868年〜1898年 1898年〜[n.d.]


No 題名 著者名 発行年 登録番号
1 Political arithmetick, or, A discourse concerning the extent and value of lands, people, buildings ... By Sir William Petty 1691 71722
2 The whole works of that excellent practical physician, Dr. Thomas Sydenham : wherein not only the history and cures of acute diseases are treated of, after a new and accurate method, but also the shortest and safest way of curing most chronical diseases translated from the origianl Latin, by John Pechey 1696 71723
3 A Sermon preach's before the right honourable the Lord Mayor of London, the court of aldermen, and the governors of the feveral hospitals of the City at the Parish-Church of St. Sepulchre, on wednesday in Easter-Week : being one of the anniversary spittal Sermons by Robert Moss 1709 71724
4 Considerations on the nature, caufes, cure, and prevention of pestilences : being a collection of papers, published on that subject by the Free-Thinker
1721 71725
5 A seman preached before the right honourable the Lord-Mayor, the court of Aldermen, and sheriffs, and the governors of the several hospitals within the City of London : in the Parish-Chuch of St. Bridget, on Monday in Easter-Week, 1736 by Martin Lord Bishop of Glocester 1736 71726
6 The history and statutes of the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh
1749 71727
7 Observations on the past growth and present state of the city of London by the auther of a letter form a bystander 1751 71728
8 A sermon preached before his grace Charles Duke of Marlborough, president, the vice-presidents and governors of the hospital for the small-pox, and for inoculation, at the parish-church of St. Andrew Helborn, on Thursday, March 5, 1752 2nd ed by Isaac Worceston 1752 71729
9 Observations on the diseases of the army 5th ed by John Pringle 1765 71920
10 A discourse on Christian fruitfulness : being a charity-sermon, preached July 30, 1769, for the public infirmary at Liverpool by John Brekell 1769 71730
11 Thoughts on hospitals by John Aikin/with a letter to the author by Thomas Percival 1771 71731
12 An Act for consolidating, extending and rendering more effectual the powers granted by several acts of parliament for making, enlarging, amending and cleansing the Vaults, Drains and Sewers within the City of London, and liberties thereof, and for Paving, Cleansing and Lighting the Streets, Lanes, Squares, Yards, Courts, Alleys, Passages and Places, and preventing and removing obstructions and annoyances within the same
1771 71732
13 Essays : medical and experimental v. 2 by Thomas Percival 1773 71733
14 Statutes, relative to the sewers, within Westminster, and part of Middlesex
1776 71734
15 The state of the prisons in England and Wales, with preliminary observations, and an account of some foreign prisons and hospitals by John Howard 1777 71922
16 The chapters of the Royal Hospitals of Bridewell and Bethlem Bridewell Royal Hospital (Witley, England), Bethlem Royal Hospital (London, England) 1792? 71735
17 An inquiry into the causes and effects of the variolae vaccinae, a disease : discovered in some of the western counties of England, particularly gloucestershire, and known by the name of the cow pox by Edward Jenner 1798 71921
18 Of the Health of Towns Commissioners (Mnuscripts and photograph) by Edwin Chadwick 18-- 71657
19 Report on the petition respecting the fever institution
1804 71837
20 An adress, in favour of the School for the blind, in Liverpool, instituted in the year 1791 Liverpool School for the Blind 1808 71736
21 The ameliorated condition of the poor, one benefit derived to the world from christianity : considered in a discourse, delivered at the chapel in Trim-street, Bath, on Sunday Dec. 23, 1810 by Joseph Hunter 1811 71737
22 Memoirs of the life of Thomas Beddoes, M.D. : with an analytical account of his writings by John Edmonds stock 1811 71738
23 Report of the Norwich Pauper Vaccination, from August 10, 1812, to August 10, 1813, &c. [Edward Rigby] 1813 71739
24 An account of the Dundee Infirmary and report of the committee appointed to carry into effect the proposal for a Lunatic Asylum at Dundee : with a list of contributors to the asylum
1815 71740
25 An essay on those defects of buildings dependant on the nature and properties of air : containing a report on the cause of the dry rot in the royal navy, and the means of prevention, as now adopted in his majesty's dock yards by Joseph Gregson 1816 71741
26 The philosophy of domestic economy : as exemplified in the mode of warming, ventilating, washing, drying, & cooking, and in vaious arrangements contributing to the comfort and conbenience of domestic life, adopted in the derbyshire general infirmary, and more recently, on a greatly extended scale, in several other public buldings, newly erected in this country/togother with and explanation of the principles on which they are performed, the whole illustrated by numerous engravings by W. Lowry by Charles Sylvester 1819 71742
27 Remarks on epidemic fever, commonly called typhus : as it appeared in Dundee and neighbourhood in 1818 and 1819; relating to its causes, the means of checking its progress, and the mode of managing the patient, so as to prevent the spreading of contagion, and to destroy it where it may already exist. Likewise, a few hints to clergymen or others, how they may visit the patient; to relatives and nurses, how they may give their attendance, and perform their respective duties, without the risk of infection. To which is annexed, a plan for establishing a Board of Health, with a view to the preservation of the health of the poor by William Dick 1820 71743
28 The poor and their relief by George Ensor 1823 71713
29 An account of the proceedings of the governors of St. George's Hospital, near Hyde Park Corner : from its first institution October 19, 1733, to December 31, 1822, with a list of the governors and subscribers St. George's Hospital (London, England) 1823 71744
30 A brief sketch of the progress of opinion upon the subject of contagion : with some remarks on quarantine by William MacMichael 1825 71745
31 Observations on the mortality and physical management of children by John Roberton 1827 71746
32 Salop infirmary
1827 71747
33 Letters on the cholera morbus
1831 71748
34 Letter to the London board of health : offering a new, concise, and intelligible view of the leading phenomena of the present pestilential cholera, by which a rational, simple, and successful mode of treatment is attained by Thomas Brown 1832 71749
35 A letter to the presidents of the Westminster Medical Society, on cholera by John Webster 1832 71750
36 The cholera (The Working-man's companion. The pysician:1) Knight, Charles, 1791-1873 1832 71751
37 On the natural and mathematical laws concerning population, vitality, and mortality ... : with tables of mortality, applicable to five classes of each sex, and other tables, expressing the relations between capital and income ... by Francis Corbaux 1833 71752
38 Report from His Majesty's Commissioners for inquiring into the Administration and Practical Operation of the Poor Laws Great Britain. Poor Law Commissioners 1834 71658
39 Chadwick's stance of political impartiality of the Health of Towns Commissioners (Mnuscripts and photograph) by Edwin Chadwick 1835 71652
40 The parish and the union : or, The poor and the poor laws under the old system and the new : being an analysis of the evidence contained in the twenty-two reports of the select committee of the House of Commons ... to which are added the report of the committee, and a summary of petitions and addresses Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons 1837 71714
41 Bath Union Workhouse Granville Somerset 1839 71659
42 An appeal to the benevolent, in behalf of an infirmary, for the reception and treatment of poor persons, afflicted with any of the important disorders, peculiarly incidental to women by W. Jones 1839 71753
43 Official circulars of public documents and information : directed v. 1-6 by the Poor Law Commissioners and the Poor Law Board to be printed, chiefly for the use of the Boards of guardians and their officers 1840 71670
44 Report to Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for the Home Department , from the Poor Law Commissioners, on an inquiry into the sanitary condition of the labouring population of Great Britain : with appendices [by Edwin Chadwick] 1842 71671
45 Local reports on the sanitary condition of the labouring population of England, in consequence of an inquiry directed to be made by the Poor Law Commissioners Great Britain. Poor Law Commissioners 1842 71672
46 Reports on the sanitary condition of the labouring population of Scotland : in consequence of an inquiry directed to be made by the Poor Law Commissioners Great Britain. Poor Law Commissioners 1842 71673
47 Royal Free Hospital, Greville Street, Hatton Garden Royal Free Hospital (London, England) 1842 71754
48 Report on the sanitary condition of the labouring population of Great Britain : a supplementary report on the results of a spiecal [i.e. special] inquiry into the practice of interment in towns, made at the request of Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for the Home Department by Edwin Chadwick 1843 71674
49 A treatise on food and diet : with observations on the dietetical regimen suited for disordered states of the digestive organs; and an account of the dietaries of some of the principal metropolitan and other establishments for paupers, lunatics, criminals, children, the sick, &c by Jonathan Pereira 1843 71755
50 Journal of the statistical society of London v. 7, 1844 Statistical Society (Great Britain) 1844- 71675
51 An essay on the best modes of representing accurately, by statistical returns, the pressure and progress of the causes of mortality amongst different classes of the community, and amongst the populations of different districts and countries, with additional proofs and illustrations of the doctrine advanced in the sanatory report : that epidemic diseases increase the pressure of population by Edwin Chadwick 1844 71676
52 Journal of the statistical society of London v. 22, 1859 Statistical Society (Great Britain) 1844- 71682
53 Journal of the statistical society of London v. 24, 1861 Statistical Society (Great Britain) 1844- 71683
54 Journal of the statistical society of London v. 25, 1862 Statistical Society (Great Britain) 1844- 71684
55 Journal of the statistical society of London v. 26, 1863 Statistical Society (Great Britain) 1844- 71685
56 Journal of the statistical society of London v. 27, 1864 Statistical Society (Great Britain) 1844- 71687
57 Observations on the best mode of registering deaths : read at an evening meeting of The Royal College of Physicians, June 1843 by William Pulteney Alison 1844 71756
58 Abstract of the proceedings of the Public Meeting held at Exeter Hall, Dec. 11, 1844 [edited by Henry Austin] 1844 71757
59 The Glasgow Bills of mortality for 1841 & 1842 : drawn up by appointment and under the authority of the lord provost, magistrates, and town council by Alexander Watt 1844 71758
60 Feigned insanity, how most usually simulatied, and how best detected : an essay by Henry Wentworth Acland 1844 71773
61 Circulars to midical practitioners, and to registrars : a statistical nosology, for the use of those who return the causes of death under 6 and 7 will. IV., c. 86., circular to coroners, and a classification of the causes of violent deaths
1845 71759
62 Second report of the commissioners for inquiring into the state of large towns and populous districts with appendix part I (Reports from commissioners:v. 5) presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty 1845 71838
63 A report, being in substance a coommunication made to the General Purposes Committee of the Town Council, and prepared at their request setting forth a plan rpoposed by the Towns Improvement Company 1845? 71677
64 Advance of Water Bills against the recommendations of the Health of Towns Commissioners (Mnuscripts and photograph) by Edwin Chadwick 1846 71653
65 Report of the committee to the members of the association, on Lord Lincoln's Sewerage, Drainage, &c., of Towns' Bill Health of Towns Association (London, England) 1846 71760

1691年〜1846年 1847年〜1867年 1868年〜1898年 1898年〜[n.d.]


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