保健医療科学 介護保険制度における保険者機能の評価の考え方と課題(2023年12月)

『保健医療科学』 2023 第72巻 第5号 p.395-409(2023年12月)
特集 : 介護保険における保険者機能強化の現状とこれから




Evaluation of initiatives by municipalities as insurers of long-term care insurance: Concepts, issues, and applications

TSUTSUI Takako 1), OTAGA Masaaki 2)
1) Graduate School of Social Sciences, University of Hyogo
2) Department of Health and Welfare Service, National Institute of Public Health

 2006 年度の改正介護保険制度以降,日本では地域包括ケアシステムの構築とその推進がはかられてきた.このシステム構築は,社会の高齢化が進む先進諸国をはじめとして今や国際的に取り組まれるインテグレイティドケア(integrated care)の文脈で理解されるものである.ただし,日本がこのシステム構築の主体として,介護保険制度の保険者である市町村を位置付けた点はユニークといえる.
 筆者らは,2009 年度より保険者機能の評価や活用方策に関する研究を実施してきた.その成果は,保険者機能強化推進交付金制度における評価手法の基盤となったが,同制度の運用が進む中で,評価やその活用手法について,留意点や課題があることが明らかになってきている.


 Since the FY 2006 revision of the long-term care insurance system, this system has been promoted in Japan. Initiatives toward this system can be explained in the context of integrated care, which is now being pursued internationally, including in developed countries where societies are aging. Japanʼs approach is unique; however, municipalities, which are the insurers of the long-term care insurance system, are positioned as the main actors in building this system.
 From the perspective of correcting regional differences in long-term care insurance management, ensuring the sustainability of the system, and strengthening the prefectural governance of the system, a grant system for promoting the strengthening of insurer functions was established in FY 2018. Under this system, the functions of insurers by municipalities and support to insurers by prefectures are evaluated, and grants are provided according to the results of these evaluations. This system encompasses a mechanism expected to lead to a cycle in which the insurer functions of all municipalities are evaluated annually with uniform nationwide standards, and the functions are strengthened based on the results of this evaluation. In addition, the system is multi-layered, and the same cycle is expected for support by prefectures to municipalities.
 Since FY 2009, the authors have conducted research on the evaluation and utilization measures of insurer functions, and the results have served as the basis for the evaluation methods used in the Grant System for the Promotion of Strengthening Insurer Functions. Therefore, we first explain the concept of the insurer function in municipalities. Second, we present an overview of research studies on the evaluation of the insurer function prior to the start of the system and clarify the evaluation approach obtained from the research results. Third, the progress of the review of evaluation items after the start of the system will be presented, and the current status of issues and responses after the system is operationalized will be explained. Finally, based on the above, the significance of the utilization of insurer function evaluation and its future perspectives will be discussed.

keywords: initiatives by municipalities as insurers of long-term care insurance, evaluation indicators, incentive grants, community-based integrated care systems

