保健医療科学 災害における歯科専門職の役割

『保健医療科学』第57巻 第3号, p.225-233 (2008年9月)
特集:災害時に保健医療従事者は何をすべきか ―期待と現実の Gap ―


1)東京医科歯科大学大学院 医歯学総合研究科 顎顔面外科学,
2)国立保健医療科学院 研究情報センター 情報デザイン室,
3)東京医科歯科大学大学院 医歯学総合研究科 歯学教育開発学分野,
4)東北大学大学院 医学系研究科 社会医学講座 国際保健学分野,
5)荒川区保健所 健康推進課 歯科担当,
6)日本大学歯学部 摂食機能療法講座,
7)神奈川歯科大学 生体機能学講座 生理学分野,
8)東京医科歯科大学 歯学部口腔保健学科 口腔健康教育学

キーワード:? 歯科保健医療,口腔ケア,摂食障害,災害犠牲者身元確認,災害教育,医療救護ステーション

Dental healthcare support when large-scale disasters hit, management of dental aid unit and round oral care for shelters are provided, lead by local dental association in cooperation with hospital dentistry, and dental hygienists association, etc.. However, more cooperative, standardized common system has to be established with no areal gap. The official dental healthcare workers have to take the key role, and it should be included in dental education.
Meanwhile, potential demands of dental healthcare are estimated to be growing during disasters, and support for dysphagia as a“disaster weak”is also needed. To approach those in need of dental healthcare, cooperation among not only dental workers but medical healthcare workers and officials are needed, and usual contact and discussion are important.
Moreover, it is suggested the information of each dental healthcare system or experiences during large-scale disasters are needed to be accessed easily on the internet at anytime.
keywords: oral health, oral care, dysphasia, disaster victim identification, disaster education, medical aid station