“Hoken Iryo Kagaku” Instruction to Authors

Authors should prepare manuscripts in accordance with this instruction. Besides In addition, about regarding the issues matters not mentioned here, the manuscripts should be based on the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals issued by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. (Updated April 2010)

Submission of a manuscript implies that it has been approved by all of the named authors, that data in support of all findings are retained by the authors, that the paper describes unpublished work, and that the content is not simultaneously under consideration for publication elsewhere, except in the case with specially permits permitted from by the original source.

2Cover letter
A cover letter should include a brief introduction of the manuscript, and a statement indicating that all authors have approved the manuscript and that the material has not been published in, or submitted to, any other journals. (See an attached example 1)

3Preparation of the Manuscript
The manuscript should preferably be prepared in Word format using a 12-point font, preferably double-spaced. Use A4- sized paper and set more than 2 cm text margins at more than 2 cm from the edge, favorably with double-spacing. Type the first author’s last name plus and the page numbers, with the title page being page 1. Insert continuous line numbers in on the left side of the manuscript, from the abstract to the acknowledgment.

4Arrangement of Manuscript
The manuscript should be divided into sections with appropriate section headings. Use A4- sized paper and set appropriate text margins from the edge. The sequence of the manuscript should generally be as follows: Title page, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgments (if any), References, Tables, Figures and Photos with legends.

5Title page
The title page should contain the title of the manuscript, the names and institutional affiliations of the authors, the e-mail address of the corresponding author, a running title (4- or 5 words not exceeding 80 letters including spaces), the category of the manuscript (Reviews, Original Articles, Brief Reports, Research Data, Practice Reports, Commentaries, Notes, Letters, or Book Reviews), the number of pages of the manuscript, the number of figures (including photos), and the number of tables. (See an attached example 2)

The title page should contain the Title of the Manuscript, the Name and E-mail address of the Corresponding author, the Abstract (no more than 400 words) and Keywords (3 to 5 keywords). An abstract of no more than 400 words preferably consists of the following headings: Objectives, Methods, Results and Conclusions. Keywords must be placed below the Abstract for cross-indexing.

7English language
Authors are responsible for the linguistic accuracy of their papers. Manuscripts must be checked by an native English native speaker, and the authors are requested to submit proof of this check.

8Conflict of Interest
Authors must state all sources of funding and any other financial and personal relationships that might bias their work. If any of the authors have involvements that might raise any question of bias, they are required to provide details of such a conflict of interest in the manuscript.

9Research Guidelines
All research involving either human subjects or materials of human origin should proceed in accordance with the principles embodied in the Declaration of Helsinki, and all researches are is requested to be performed according to the guidelines issued by the authorized agency in the country where the research is performed. A description on contained in an approval from a research ethics committee is preferred.

10Clinical Trials and Observational Epidemiologic Studies
All clinical trials is are preferably registered in a public registry at or before the onset of participant enrollment. We follow the trials registration policy of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (http://www.icmje.org/) as seen in the Research Clinical Trials Portal (http://rctportal.niph.go.jp/). For reports of randomized controlled trials, authors should refer to the CONSORT statement (http://www.consort-statement.org). For reports of observational epidemiologic studies, authors are encouraged to refer to the STROBE statement (http://www.strobe-statement.org).

11Tables and Figures
Tables should be typed in the text or on separate sheets, numbered in with Arabic numerals, and have a brief and understandable title. For footnotes, use the following symbols, *1, *2, etc. Photographs, charts, graphs and diagrams are termed figures and should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals. When tables and figures are prepared in on separate sheets, please indicate the places where, in the text, to insert tables and figuresthem among texts.
Tables should be saved as DOCS and/or XLSX, Figures as PPTX, and/or JPG files. Photographs and other scanned images must have a resolution of at least 350 dpi (dots per inch). Images with containing words must have a resolution of at least 600 dpi.


References should conform to the following style:
1. Yanagawa H, Nakamura Y, Yashiro M, Ojima T, Koyanagi H, Kawasaki T. Update of the epidemiology of Kawasaki disease in Japan: from the results of a 1993-1994 nationwide survey. J Epidemiol. 1996;6:148-157.
2. Gastl G, Ward JM, Rapp UR. Immunocytochemistry of oncogenes. In: Polak JM and Van Noorden S, eds. Immunocytochemistry: Modern methods and applications, 2nd ed. Wright, Bristol, 1986: 273-283.
3. Haagensen CD, Bodian C, Haagensen DE, Jr. Breast carcinoma. Risk and detection. W.B. Saunders. Philadelphia, London, Toronto, Mexico City, Sydney, and Tokyo, 1981.

Abbreviations of Journal names should conform to those of the Index Medicus (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nlmcatalog/journals). List all authors, but if there are more than six, list the first six plus et al. If the title of a paper is in a language other than English, French or German, it should be translated into English, and the original language should be indicated in parentheses; for example, “(in Japanese)”.
Authors are responsible for the bibliographic accuracy of all references. Every reference must be checked, both in the manuscript and in the proof.

13Supplemental Information
Authors can provide Supplemental Information (tables, figures, etc. ) when it is necessary to support the main manuscript exceeding the page limitation. Supplemental Information is also peer reviewed.
Supplemental Information will not be printed but be published on the linked website. Authors should cite it on the printed manuscript (for example, “Table S1 Detailed information on the target population”).

14Borrowed Material
The original author and source of borrowed illustrations and/or tables, as well as of verbatim quotations totaling 200 words or more must be fully identified. Written permission must be obtained from both the original author and the publisher.

15Copyright Approval
Authors are requested to submit copyright approval after the acceptance of the manuscripts, accompanied by requested the number of offprints they require, by each in set multiples of 50 copies.

16Questions and Submission of the Manuscripts
The Editorial Committee
c/o Research Information Center
National Institute of Public Health, 2-3-6 Minami Wako, Saitama-ken, 351-0197, Japan.
phone: +81-48-458-6213,
facsimile: +81-48-469-0326
e-mail: jniph@niph.go.jp (delete the spaces when submitting a manuscript)

(Revised on 26th August 2015) 

Example 1   
<Example of a Cover letter>

To the Editorial Committee of the Journal of the National Institute of Public Health,

This manuscript implies ……….

The authors are approved to prepare manuscripts in accordance with the instruction.

All of the authors have approved the manuscript and we have approved confirmed that the material has not been published in, or submitted to, any other journals.

The manuscript was prepared by authors using English as a their mother tongue or English checked by a professional native English native speaker. (Please attach the proof of this check, if possible)

  Name of the Corresponding Author  

Example 2  
<Example of the Title Page>

Title of the Manuscript

Name of the authors

Institutional affiliation(s)

E-mail address of the corresponding author

Running title (4 or -5 words not exceeding 80 letters including spaces)

Category of the Manuscript
(Review, Original Article, Note, Research Data, Report, Commentary, Letter, or Book Review)

The numbers of pages of the manuscript

The number of figures (including photos)

The number of tables