Department of Environmental Health


Chief Senior Researcher
BANDO Michiko


Healthy housing, Housing policy, Housing welfare, Residential Environment Improvement, Building planning


Research reports

1 Bando M. Research representative. Health and Labor Sciences Research Grant. Comprehensive Research Project for Health, Safety and Crisis Management Measures [Kansensho taisaku o fumaeta tatemononaibu no tekisetsuna seisoshuhoto no kensho oyobi kakuritsu no tame no kenkyu.](21LA1007), 2021-2022. Comprehensive research report. 2023. (in Japanese)

2 Bando M. Research representative. Health and Labor Sciences Research Grant. Comprehensive Research Project for Health, Safety and Crisis Management Measures [Jutaku shukuhaku jigyo ni okeru eisei kanri shuho ni kansuru kenkyu.](19LA1008), 2019-2020. Comprehensive research report. 2021. (in Japanese)

Original papers

1 Nakano M, Ishigaki A, Osaki H, Sumikura H, Bando M. [Study on actual conditions and staff’s intention of architectural programming in temporary child custody center]. AIJ Journal of Technology and Design. 2024.6;30(75):903-908.DOI Japanese)

2 Yamada H, Homma Y, Bando M, Hayashi M. [Field survey on the hygiene environment of accommodation facilities – Survey of indoor environmental conditions in Nagasaki, Kyoto, and Osaka during the enactment and implementation of the Private Lodging Business Act]. Journal of Environmental Engineering AIJ. 2023.11;88(813):857-868.DOI (in Japanese)


1 Bando M. [Koreiki o sasaeru tameniha - sumuchikara o sasaeru chiikiseikatsu kukan]. Kenchiku to Machidukuri. Bando M. [Koreiki o sasaeru tameniha - sumuchikara o sasaeru chiikiseikatsu kukan]. Kenchiku to Machidukuri. 2024.2.pp.6-11. (in Japanese)

2 Bando M. [Housing: Discussion on the New Proposal on Housing Allowance.] Journal of Poverty. 2022;29:76-83. (in Japanese)


1 Bando M. [Seikatsu kukan o saisekkei suru. Genzai no shisetsu ga kakaeru kadai. Jidosodansho ichijihogosho no kodomo to shien. Edition 2. Guideline/daisansha hyoka/kenriyogo nado tayona shiten kara kodomo o mamoru. Tokyo:Akashi Syoten; 2023.p.85-96. (in Japanese)

2 Bando M. [Shakai hosho to shiteno jutaku seisaku: Jutaku gyosei to fukushi gyosei no shudan to taikei]. Tanabe K, Okada T, Izumida N, National Institute of Population and Social Security Research, edited. [Nihon no kyoju hosho: Teiryo bunseki to kokusai hikaku kara kangaeru]. Tokyo:Keiodaigaku shuppankai; 2021, p.21-41. (in Japanese)

Conference presentations

1 Bando M. [Biru eiseikanrisha no seiso/shodoku ni kansuru chishiki/taido/kodo ni kansuru chosa]. The 82th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Public Health; 2023.10.31-11.2; Tsukuba, Abstract book 2023;70(10 Special Appendix):546. (in Japanese)

2 Kudo K, Bando M, Takahashi I, Okoshi F, Iwamoto R, Inomata K, Amino H. [Mitorizu o mochiita jirei asesumentoji no shisen bunseki: Eye-tracking o mochiita shiko chosa]. The 82th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Public Health; 2023.10.31-11.2; Tsukuba, Abstract book 2023;70(10 Special Appendix):449. (in Japanese)

Social contributions

Temporary Member of the Living Environment Water Subcommittee、Welfare Science Council

Member of the Tokyo Metropolitan Allergy Disease Countermeasures Review Committee

Member of the Designated Manager Selection and Evaluation Committee for Self‐Reliance Support Facility in Yokohama / the Designated Manager Selection and Evaluation Committee for Kotobuki Living Facility in Yokohama

Member of the Shizuoka City Council for the Elimination of Defective Living Environments

Member of the Tokyo Metropolitan Working Group for Examining Training Curriculum for Women’s Consultation Support Services