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Research Departments

Department of Environmental Health
The Department of Environmental Health deals with health risks possibly caused by exposure to risk factors in our environment, including factors related to houses, public facilities and water supplies. It aims to accumulate scientifi c data and present clear scientifi c evidence for its fi ndings. Specifi cally, we target such fi elds as: chemical factors ― various substances impacting air quality both inside and outside of houses, as well as cigarette smoke; physical factors ― radioactive substances, radiation, and electromagnetic fi elds, along with biological factors (microbes, etc.). We are also making eff orts to design better living environments by taking account of life styles, etc.
Our aim is to have the results of our research promptly implemented into public policy, so as to further the creation of a safe and stable society. We evaluate actual situations of human exposure to various factors, and assess their impact on health. We present scientific evidence regarding the scientifi c rationale and social legitimacy, and from the standpoint of the regulatory science that serves as the basis of regulations, we conduct risk assessment and attempt to provide sufficient information on risk factors. Environmental HealthThrough these activities, we promote the development of a health crisis management policy, and we provide fundamental materials supporting the maintenance of public security and safety. In addition to providing information for the formulation of public policy regarding risk factors, we also actively provide information to international organizations and cooperate closely with them. Finally, we are responsible for human resource development, specifically the training of public health technicians engaged in the field.
While conducting our research, we keep in mind that our ultimate goal is to contribute to the improvement of public health.


Department Director, USHIYAMA Akira
Chief Senior Researcher, YOSHITOMI Mari
Chief Senior Researcher, SHIMURA Tsutomu
Chief Senior Researcher, INABA Yohei
Senior Researcher, YAMAGUCHI Ichiro
Senior Researcher, BEKKI Kanae
Researcher, TERADA Hiroshi
Researcher, KUSUNOSE Shoichi
Chief Senior Researcher, ASAMI Mari
Chief Senior Researcher, SHIMAZAKI Dai
Chief Senior Researcher, KOSAKA Koji
Senior Researcher, MIURA Takayuki
Senior Researcher, MIYOSHI Taro
Researcher, KADOYA Shunsuke
Specially Appointed Researcher, AKIBA Michihiro
Chief Senior Researcher, BANDO Michiko
Chief Senior Researcher, KIM Hoon
Chief Senior Researcher, KAIHARA Noriko
Researcher, SHIMONOSONO Kei