Department of Environmental Health


Chief Senior Researcher
KIM Hoon


Building Environment and Equipment, Indoor Air Quality


Original papers

1 Shinohara N, Ogata M, Kim H, Kagi N, Tatsu K, Inui F, et al. Evaluation of shields and ventilation as a countermeasure to protect bus drivers from infection. Environmental Research.2023;216:114603.

2 Shinohara N, Hashimoto K, Kim H, Yoshida-Ohuchi H. Fungi, mites/ticks, allergens, and endotoxins in different size fractions of house dust from long-term uninhabited houses and inhabited houses. Building and Environment. 2022. p.1-14.

3 Azuma K, Kagi N, Yanagi U, Kim H, Osawa H. A longitudinal study on the effects of hygro-thermal conditions and indoor air pollutants on building-related symptoms in office buildings.IndoorAir.2022;32:e13164.

4 Shinohara N, Tatsu K, Kagi N, Kim H, Sakaguchi J, Ogura I, et al. Air exchange rates and advection–diffusion of CO2 and aerosols in a route bus for evaluation of infection risk. IndoorAir.2022;32:e13019.

5 Naohide Shinohara, Jun Sakaguchi, Hoon Kim, Naoki Kagi, Koichi Tatsu, Hiroyuki Mano, Yuichi Iwasaki, Wataru Naito, Survey of air exchange rates and evaluation of airborne infection risk of COVID-19 on commuter trains, Environment International157(2021)106774,, 2021.7. pp.1-10

6 Kenichi Azuma, U Yanagi, Naoki Kagi, Hoon Kim, Masayuki Ogata, Motoya Hayashi, Environmental factors involved in SARS-CoV-2 transmission: Effect and role of indoor environmental quality in the strategy for COVID-19 infection control, Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine, (2020) 25:66, 2020.11, 16pages (Open Access),

7 Kenichi Azuma, Naoki Kagi, Hoon Kim, Motoya Hayashi, Impact of climate and ambient air pollution on the epidemic growth during COVID-19 outbreak in Japan, Environmental Research, 190 (2020) 110042, pp.1-9.

8 Motoya Hayashi, U Yanagi, Kenichi Azuma, Naoki Kagi, Masayuki Ogata, Shoichi Morimoto, Hirofumi Hayama, Taro Mori, Koki Kikuta, Shinichi Tanabe, Takashi Kurabuchi, Hiromi Yamada, Kenichi Kobayashi, Hoon Kim, Noriko Kaihara: Measures against COVID‐19 concerning Summer Indoor Environment in Japan, Japan Architectural Review, 2020.8,