Department of Environmental Health


Senior Researcher


Radiological Public Health, Medical Radiation Safety, Risk Communication


Research reports

1 Yamaguchi I. Study on the current status and issues of medical radiation protection in Japan. Health, Labour and Welfare Science Research Grants for Comprehensive Research on Medical Safety and Evaluation of Medical Technology, “Research on Medical Radiation Protection for New Treatment Procedures” (Principal Investigator: M. Hosono, 19IA1004) FY2022 Research Report. Tokyo;2024.

2 Atsushi KASAI, Tsunenori KAWASHIMA, Tadashi TSUJIMOTO, Miwa NAKAMURA, Makoto HASHIMOTO, Ichiro YAMAGUCHI, Activity Report of JHPS Working Group on Accidental X-ray Exposures, Japanese Journal of Health Physics, 2023, Volume 58, Issue 3, Pages 163-168

Original papers

1 Shin Toyoda, Kazuhiko Inoue, Ichiro Yamaguchi, et al Interlaboratory comparison of electron paramagnetic resonance tooth enamel dosimetry with investigations of the dose responses of the standard samples. Radiation Protection Dosimetry 2023;199(14):1557-1564

2 Ono K, Kumasawa T, Shimatani K, Kanou M, Yamaguchi I, Kunugita N. Radiation Dose Distribution of a Surgeon and Medical Staff during Orthopedic Balloon Kyphoplasty in Japan. Journal of Radiation Protection and Research 2022;47(2): 86—92


1 Yamaguchi I, Ozawa S. Irradiator issues: Source, dose, and waste management. Transfusion and Apheresis Science 2022;61(2): 103407

2 Yamaguchi I. What Can Radiation Protection Experts Contribute to the Issue of the Treated Water Stored in the Damaged Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant? Journal of Radiation Protection and Research 2021;46(1):24—31.


1 Inoue K,Yamaguchi I,Natsuhori M. Preliminary study on electron spin resonance dosimetry using affected cattle teeth due to the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident. In: Fukumoto M . (Ed.), Low—Dose Radiation Effects on Animals and Ecosystems: Long—Term Study on the Fukushima Nuclear Accident. Springer. (2019)

2 YAMAGUCHI Ichiro, Kunugita N. Fukushima Nuclear Disaster— Monitoring and Risk Assessment. In: Nriagu, J. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Environmental Health. vol. 3, pp. 107—120, Elsevier.(2019)

Conference presentations

1 M. SAKAMA, M. KOWATARI, M. AKIYOSHI, K. ODA, A. KASAI, N. HAMADA, M. FUKUSHI, I. YAMAGUCHI, Y. IGARASHI, T. IIMOTO. Issues on Dose Reconstruction of Victims in Low Energy X-ray Exposure Accidents – Case Studies Introducing a Monte-Carlo Based PHITS Code – ICRP2023. 2023.11.7-9. Tokyo.(2023)

2 I. Yamaguchi, Y. Nakai and M. Miyake. Can non-destructive electron paramagnetic resonance tooth dosimetry be used for posterior assessment of radiation exposure in medicine and dentistry? AOCRP6. 2023.2.7-11. Mumbai. Radiation Protection and Environment 2023;46(5): S226–S227.

Social contributions

Member of the Advisory Committee for the Preparation of the BOOKLET to Provide Basic Information Regarding Health Effects of Radiation, Ministry of the Environment Government of Japan

Member, Subcommittee on Assessment of Risks to the Public from Chemical Substances in the Environment, Bureau of Social Welfare and Public Health, Tokyo Metropolitan Government

Director, Radiation Safety Forum

Member, Monitoring reports committee, Japanese Society of Public Health

Member, Ethics committee, Japanese Society of Radiation Safety Management